FatMan here. Well the results from the weight in are here and the news is not so good. I weigh 184 pounds now which is 9 pounds away from my goal. I have 15 days to shed 9 pounds. Being the overachiever that I am 9 pounds just doesn’t sound right. I want to lose 14 pounds the next 15 days. This will give me a little “bounce back” cushion of 5 pounds.

Well here we are. No more pad weeks. No more I have time. No more it’s no problem. Now the “rubber meets the road” on this weight loss journey. We are going to see if this fatman can really make it happen or not.

My pictures today really told the story. You could tell I had gained some weight in my face and even in some of my shirtless shots. Not a lot but some. TOO much that is for sure. You can see for yourself below. The first picture is today’s and the one next to it is last weeks. It is amazing that you can tell the difference 3 pounds makes.

11122007frontcrop184.JPG 11032007frontcrop181.JPG

How will I do it you ask? I am going to gut out a 2 week stringent food intake and madman exercise program. Lots of water, supplements/vitamins, personal pep talks and general Thanksgiving food avoidance.

If I do make it I will have earned it. My vision now if of the scale reading 175 on 11/26/2007. Hey I want to get a good nights sleep before the big weight in on 11/27. Even I want to finish a little early.

Stay tuned.

God Bless us Fat People,
