I don't care what you chose. I'm not saving the results and don't know who picked what. I asked the question to get you thinking and to make  a couple of points.
You know that your health is priceless. That fat tired body that you have now is the only one you are ever going to have. That is a fact. If you chose a low number it is because you are skeptical. You may even be hesitant to invest in yourself because you doubt your own ability to follow through. You don't trust either one of us. These are valid concerns.  Don't worry about how much FatManMelts costs. It is less than a tank of gas for all the weight you can lose and advice you can read/hear. wasn't started to see how much money I can get from you. It is about us changing our lives for the better and being honest with each other.
From now on lets agree to be honest with each other. Our relationship will be built on and driven by honest communication both ways. What a novel idea, people being honest and working toward a common goal. If we are going to lose weight together it is going to become personal and the best personal relationships I have are built on trust. Eventually we may even consider each other as friends. I don't have all of the answers and I am not the smartest man in the world but I know that I can lose weight and help you to lose weight right along with me.  

BTW, if you chose $500 or more then I would agree with you. Don't worry all memberships are less than a tank of gas for a compact car.  I also offer "buddy memberships" where you can save even more. You both get full  memberships. I think a buddy plan is a great way to keep on track. It is nice to "team up". People working together to motivate each other can be very powerful. Especially a spouse or live in since then you can shop for the right foods together and not have one person eating Ice Cream and the other a Celery Stick. Your buddy can be a friend, wife or significant other. 

Prices can change without notice.