Archive for August, 2007

Day 82 Weight 208 lbs Lost 2 lbs (33 to go) Cha Cha I’ve lost my AGE (47 lbs)


FatMan here. Well how the heck are you? Are you feeling good? Have you decided to lose some weight? Have you COMMITTED yourself to losing weight? Have you picked your final weight and the time frame that you want to get there in? Or are you procrastinating? Do any of these sound familiar?:

  • “I can start tomorrow”
  • “We have that cook out this weekend. I’ll start Monday”
  • “I need to join the gym first”
  • “I can’t lose weight all my family is fat”
  • “I am big boned”
  • “I look OK”
  • “I am not THAT fat”
  • “I just bought those new pants”
  • “I’ll try that new quick loss pill”
  • “I don’t have time to lose weight”
  • “My wife says she likes me being kind of chunky”
  • “My health isn’t bad now”
  • “I’ve got plenty of time to lose weight, there’s no rush”

I know them all well because at one time or another I have used them myself. My two favorites are: “I don’t have time” and ” I am not THAT fat”. Both of these excuses really highlight just how badly us fat people lose touch with our own personal appearance reality. Let me illustrate my point. If a Rich Uncle (if you don’t have one imagine you do) told you that if you came to his house every night for 3 months and watched their house while they were on vacation that they would give you a $125,000 in cash when they returned how many of you would jump on that? Would you make the “time” to do that? Of course you would. Why would you do that? Because you see the BENEFIT to making the time. Now think about this. What could be more beneficial to you personally than shedding your excess FAT weight and becoming a healthier, more energetic and confident person? Not much imho.

Now for my second favorite excuse: “I am not THAT fat”. Well this one is really somewhat laughable. Go get a camera and have someone take a few pictures of yourself, maybe even a few in your shorts. Take a good look at those; a real good look. Now tell me with a straight face that you are not “THAT” fat. Sometimes you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Face it, we are FAT.

Now that we know we are fat, what do we do?

WE LOSE WEIGHT of course. Come see me at fatmanmelts.

God Bless Us Fat People,


Day 81 Weight 210 lbs Lost 0 lb (35 to go) 90 Days of Focus


FatMan here. If you have followed me on my journey you know that I like to set goals. I have long term goals, shorter term goals and even intermediate goals. They all reinforce my main goal to keep on track and focused on losing 80 pounds in 180 days.

Now after 81 days I am basically down to losing 35 pounds in 90 days. That puts me at 175 pounds with a few weeks to spare. If I further divide that goal down into a closer time period I need to be at 195 by 9/20/2007. This is now the goal that I am shooting for. It allows me to focus more on daily activity than long term plans.

This is a valuable skill in time management and translates well into everyday life. If you have ANY project that you need to complete that will take a long time you will need to employ similar skills. You will need to develop a plan, a “project time line”, assemble the materials and support needed and then begin implementation. Next comes daily or periodic progress reviews to determine if your plan is working and (in the likely case that it needs to be modified) re calibrate as necessary.

None of the concepts in losing weight or managing a large project is difficult to use or master they just appear intimidating due to the “SCALE” or scope of the project. The larger, more involved and more complex a project is the more people will doubt whether it can be done or if they can do it. This is the fear of failure. No one likes to fail. It is much easier to just not try at all.

All of us Fat people know EXACTLY what it is like to look at where we want to be and decide it isn’t worth it. It is much easier to go and medicate yourself with a big old cheeseburger or pizza than it is to change your entire path in life.

Well I am here right now to tell you that you are wrong. It is HARDER to stay Fat than it is to get in shape and reap the benefits of being a “normal weight”. Here I am looking at losing another 35 pounds and ALREADY in only 81 days feeling better than I have felt in YEARS. Feeling better mentally and physically. I no longer get up everyday and dread putting on clothes or getting on a scale or going outside and seeing someone I know.

FatMan Knowledge Nugget: The only good obsession is a controlled one

I’m not special. Look at this picture. I am a FatMan and always will be. I know that.

FatMan at 255 lbs

I also know that I can change. Just like you can change. Check out my changes here.

Don’t eat your life away, it’s too much fun when you can really participate.

Come see me at

God Bless us Fat People,


Day 80 Weight 210 lbs Lost 0 lb (35 to go) The Joy of Pain


FatMan here. Still here and still Fat, but working on it. Part of working on it is to ratchet up just how much “work” you do each day. By work I mean physical activity or exercise.  For me over about a one month period I could not do much exercise due to a back/hip injury. I was basically relying solely on my diet to lose weight.

Now I have also added an exercise portion to my diet routine. The exercise portion is focused mostly on aerobic activity like walking and jogging. I am lifting weights to firm up as well but for me the walking is a bigger focus. Why?

Because I believe that aerobic activity helps to dramatically accelerate your weight loss. It also helps you feel better. Walking or jogging also works your leg muscles. This is very important. Your leg muscles are some of the largest ones in your body. When you work them they will burn up the most calories, so it makes your workouts more efficient. Your body starts to feel look more defined and you also build up your physical stamina. As you start out you become sore almost immediately and stay that way for a week or so. This is because you are using muscles that you have not used in a while. Your body is telling you “Hey man this new regimen is going to take some getting used to. Slow down and let me adjust the system to accommodate your new more mobile lifestyle”.  You have pain but I call it “good pain”. You are doing the right thing getting in shape and it involves some start-up aches and pains. It goes away after a week or so anyway,  just be sure to ease into your new workout schedule and stretch well before and after you exercise.

The joy of pain is the mindset you get when you have finally decided that your weight loss goal means having some daily pain is not only acceptable but welcome. Especially since the pain will be temporary while the weight loss will be permanent.

FatMan Knowledge Nugget: The cure to obesity is  long term  food intake  control.

God Bless Us Fat People,


Day 79 Weight 210 lbs Lost 1 lb (35 to go) Still The FatMan


FatMan here. So I have started week 12 of my weight loss journey and have lost a total of 45 pounds. I should be feeling pretty good, right? Well I do BUT, I know that I still have some unfinished business. 35 pounds of unfinished business to be exact. You see I am still very much a FatMan. In fact I will always be a FatMan because I have figured out that I LOVE FOOD. Even after I finish losing another 35 pounds and get down to 175 pounds I will always have to consciously watch my weight. That is just the way it is with me. You may be the same way. If you are the sooner you realize it the better.

In the past I would lose down to a predetermined weight and stop. The mistakes I made in the past were twofold:

  1. I would eventually gain my weight back by not continuing to closely monitor my weight and sinking back into BAD dietary and exercise habits
  2. I would stop losing weight when I decided that I “looked good”

Number 2 above was my worst mistake, because over time it becomes easier to rationalize to yourself that you look OK when you are heavier. That is a major mistake. That is where the good old BMI index really helped me out. What is a BMI index? You can learn more about it here. The genius in the BMI index measurement is that it is an “independent” assessment of what a “healthy weight” is. After checking my BMI I determined that 175 pounds would be my target weight (that is a BMI of 24.44). This is just slightly under my maximum “non-overweight” BMI of 25 (or 178.6 lbs). 175 pounds also happened to be a nice round number and equated to 80 pounds total weight loss. This keeps me on track to reach a really “healthy” size and not one that I would have arbitrarily picked. It takes the fudging out of the equation. It helps “legitimize” my weight loss in my own eyes. I know that I will be a good size when I finish up. It also makes the challenge much much harder, but that’s OK with me. I like a good challenge.

Now I must confess when I was 255 pounds and looking at losing 80 pounds I was thinking WOW this is quite an undertaking. I was pretty sure I could do it, but 80 pounds is a lot of weight! It is very interesting what the perspective of time will do for you. Here it is 79 days later and I have already lost 45 pounds. I am also still the FatMan. I have a lot of Fat and Flab around my midsection and my chest looks like I could be wearing a “C” cup. I have a LONG way to go.

If you have a long way to go come see me at The first step is always the hardest. Go check your BMI and see where you are at.

God Bless us Fat People,


Day 78 Weight 211 lbs Lost 0 lb (36 to go) Journey vs Destination


FatMan here. I hope this email finds you well. I have written a lot about how to lose weight, why you should lose weight, and overcoming obstacles to losing weight. I talk about the importance of setting goals and following through. I talk about how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off and that us Fat people are in a lifelong battle with our food addictions. All of these are true and need to be pointed out and discussed. There is, however, another side or slant that needs to be embraced as well. While you are on your weight loss journey make sure to ENJOY it.

FatMan Knowledge Nugget: Learn from the past, plan for the future enjoy the day

That’s right enjoy it. Certainly when you reach your weight loss goal you will feel a great sense of satisfaction. That is the culmination of our journey. During our journey we can also revel in our interim successes and enjoy them just as much. We NEED to enjoy it. We SHOULD enjoy it. In fact, a few years down the road you will be just as proud of the times DURING your journey that you made critical decisions NOT to eat that desert, or to GO AND WORK OUT in the rain that helped propel you on to success. These memories may even stick out more. They were the pivot points where you made your “stand” against your old habits and formed new ones.

Enjoy these moments of anguish, self doubt and even sometimes pain? That’s right, these are the GOOD OLD DAYS! Five or ten years from now when we are reviewing our Fat pictures and scratching our heads wondering why we were ever this Fat the memories that will stick out are the most vivid ones. The ones where you thought you couldn’t do it but still pushed on. You see most people don’t follow through. They don’t succeed and they don’t live their dreams. They make excuses and then rationalize to themselves that it really wasn’t their fault. But for you this journey changes that. It makes you a “finisher” and gives you the personal power to complete pretty much whatever you want to in life.

It really is a pretty special time for you. One you should enjoy and relish.

When I was a teenager I had a neighbor that shared a saying with me that stuck in my mind. I can still remember it word by word. Here it is.

On the beach of hesitation bleach the bones of countless thousands who, on the verge of success, hesitated, wasted and died.”

BTW I have now lost 44 pounds in 78 days. My journey continues.

If you are ready to start yours come see me at

God Bless us fat people,


Day 77 Weight 211 lbs Lost 1 lb (36 to go) Does Anyone Care?


FatMan here. You know sometimes when you are dieting you feel like the “lone ranger”. You feel all alone and by yourself. Even if you are married, live in a large family, or are active in lots of community groups. You just do not always feel connected to those around you. I would guess that EVERYONE that goes on a diet has this feeling from time to time. It is normal and natural. Let’s talk about why we feel this way and how to combat it before it overcomes you. Do not let this feeling fester or it will turn from self-doubt into self paralyzing fear and instead of moving forward you will be stuck in neutral. If you are already in the “fear of failure” stage just remember this one phrase – “ACTION CURES FEAR”. If you take action (any action) you move forward. You always want to be moving forward.

It is human nature to be wanted. It is human nature to want to be noticed and praised when you accomplish something. The bigger the accomplishment the more praise you internally feel like you deserve and subconsciously expect.If you do not receive that recognition or praise in what you feel is a timely manner your mind starts to plant seeds of doubt about the validity of what it is that you are doing. About whether you should even be doing it in the first place. Then you start to question your own motivation. This is a VERY dangerous time for a dieter. Here is where it can all fall apart for you if you do not react appropriately.

Fortunately for most of us we have, over the years, built in some automatic responses to limit the damage that these personal doubt issues can cause. One of the first ones is just to have your mind quickly dismiss the doubts. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t. If this does not work the next rational step is to examine your current status with regards to your goal (in this case your diet). If you are making progress and on track then all you need to do is to reassure yourself and continue on. You can give yourself a personal “pep talk” and move on. And that is exactly what you do. Physically get up and move on and tell yourself you are doing great. Give yourself your own attention. Make yourself feel good about your progress, you are DOING GREAT!


FatMan Knowledge Nugget: When you get down mentally the only person that is ALWAYS there to talk to is yourself.

If, on the other hand, you are behind in your diet results and feel hungry and a little defeated then you need to perform some basic plan of attack modifications. First off you need to understand that your body is a complex machine. It literally has a mind if its own. You are in the process of turning your body’s world upside down. Stressing it with different food intake levels and new exercise requirements. There is a continual period of adjustment going on inside you. Your body will try to stabilize its weight because it does not know what its ideal weight should be. So there lies the conundrum (conundrum is defined as an intricate or difficult problem). You want to lose weight to help your body feel and look better but your body wants to keep its weight and shape right where it is. So what do you do?

First you now understand what is going on. Do not panic. This is manageable. Second you change your diet tactics. Two of the best areas to change are:

  1. Try another diet. One that you can commit to for 2 weeks. Modifying your food intake and the types of foods you eat will shake up your system and can re-energize your weight loss plan. There are literally dozens of diets to choose from and they will almost all work if you stick to them.
  2. Change your exercise routine. Try a different exercise at a different time. Work different muscles. For example if you have been walking try swimming. Instead of jogging maybe try step aerobics.

Now a suggestion to get you back on track mentally. Think about a friend of yours that was always Fat like us and that finally not only lost a ton of weight but has kept it off forever. Go give this person a call. Give them the compliment that you were looking for and see how they respond. Take some pleasure from doing what you want people to do for you. Have you ever heard the phrase “it is better to give than receive”? Now maybe you know what that means. Ask them how they got through the “rough spots”. They will more than likely be glad to tell you.

What do you know you are back on track.

If your previous “Fat Person” is not around I know one guy that might be able to help.

You guessed it. Come see me at

God Bless us Fat People,


Day 76 Weight 212 lbs Lost 1 lb (37 to go) Are You Serious?


FatMan here. Let me ask you this: How serious are you about losing your excess weight, your ugly fat , your life threatening obesity? (That use of obesity may not be correct but hopefully you catch my drift). I think, like most things in life that you really want, you can tell internally how bad you really want something. This internal barometer is pretty easy to take. It is really a gauge of your daily feelings. How do you feel when you think about your next “diet meal”? Is it dread, stubborn acceptance, or with resolve knowing you are changing yourself for the better? When you think about your daily exercise are you thinking about how sore you are, or ways to delay your exercise, or are you thinking about a new type of exercise to try to keep things more interesting and challenge yourself to workout even longer? We all know that dieting is not easy. Changing your routine is not easy and “depriving” yourself of food is not easy. Necessary yes but easy no.

Here are a few “indicators” that you can use to tell just how serious you are about losing weight. The more you incorporate into your daily life the better chance you have of attaining your weigh loss goals.

FatMan Knowledge Nugget: You are the Captain of your weight loss ship. If it sinks you go right down with it.

How many do you use?

  • Do you keep a weight loss diary?
  • Do you have a book that tells you how many calories are in a certain type of food?
  • Do you weigh everyday?
  • Do you have a diet buddy to talk to about your weight loss issues (that would/could be me btw)?
  • Do you have a place to exercise if it is raining?
  • Do you even know what your ideal “healthy weight” is? (see BMI calculator on sidebar)
  • Do you have your weight loss goal written down?
  • Do you have a daily routine established to help you lose weight?
  • Do you read up on losing weight or dieting?
  • Do you know the weight loss lingo (low carb, ketosis, BMI, lean muscle mass, anti-oxidant, thermogenic, fatmanmelts). Had to throw in the last one :).
  • Do you try and educate yourself on healthy ways to lose weight either by reading, watching TV shows, or internet searches?
  • Are you open minded to try new things that might help you?

Those are just a few but I think you understand. The more you become focused (some would say consumed) on losing weight and reaching your weight goal the better the chance is that you will achieve your goal. Everyone is looking for the “easy way” to get there, but the reality is the harder it is the more you will appreciate it. Mind you, I am not advocating doing things the “hard way” but I believe all of us Fat People have tried the “easy way” in the past with less than stellar results. Whether it was the “magic weight loss pill” or the “_____ diet fad” (insert the ones you have tried) we all know deep down inside that losing weight takes a real commitment.

The kind you can get here.
See you soon.

God Bless us Fat People,


Day 75 Weight 213 lbs Lost 0 lbs (38 to go) Bump and Grind Continued


FatMan here. I wanted to continue where I left off yesterday because your daily routine is so important. I believe that your ability to successfully modify your current routine to include better weight management practices will determine your long term success at keeping your lost weight lost. A lot of people can lose weight and TEMPORARILY modify their routine, but the real trick is to make routine changes that stick with you long term. This insures long term “slimness”.

Let’s talk about lunchtime. You have been working all morning and probably by 10:30AM you were starting to get hungry. If you are like me your mind is wandering on to what you will eat for lunch and how good it will taste (lol, it is tough loving food). The issue here is that you are in the process of losing all of that ugly fat you hate so much, remember? So here is what you do. Learn to drink a big glass of water when you are hungry. If you happen to be one of those people that hates water (like my wife) then ease your hunger off by eating a piece of fruit or some low calorie snack (100 calories or less). You do not want to be hungry and dwell on food. That is a recipe for diet disaster. When you finally get to lunch you will eat everything you can get your hands on. Another way to pass your hunger by is to use lunch time as a workout time. For a lot of us that is not practical, but if it fits into your daily routine by all means fit it in here. BTW a walk is a workout to me. Any exercise is a workout to me. Forget having to go get all sweaty to workout just get consistently more active.

When you do go to lunch eat a good balanced meal that is not heavy on a lot of excess carbs or fat. Eat a balanced nutritious meal. This meal should be the largest one you eat all day. Why? Because you have the rest of the day to “work it off”. Again that is just common sense. You do not want to go home at night and eat a big greasy meal at 9PM. Your body just will not be able to efficiently process it. Be smart not only about what you eat but when you eat it. Have you ever heard the phrase “timing is everything” ? This is especially true of eating. What you eat when is very important.

Later in the afternoon you will probably feel some hunger again. Guess what you do? That’s right drink some more water or eat a light snack. Just don’t overdo it and you will be fine. Make sure you are as active as possible. If you have the option of using the elevator or walking up the stairs take the stairs. Don’t look for the closest parking space anymore. Save your car some dings and walk further in the shopping center parking lot. Use as many opportunities as possible to increase your physical activity level. It all adds up.

The real danger zone is at night. Here is where you need to work the hardest to alter your routine. Most Fat people come home to “relax” after a hard days work. This usually means eating dinner and watching TV – and then eating some more. Or drinking some. Or eating and drinking some. But mostly eating and/or drinking too much! First off try and stick to a few basic nighttime rules:

  1. Do not eat after 7PM
  2. Do not eat any “snacks” while watching TV
  3. Do not watch TV until you have done some type of exercise (ANY physical activity is good just be consistent)
  4. Do not eat any FRIED FOOD at night (ouch this one hurts all of us Southerners)

If you are able to modify your routine to include the four basic changes above and do NOTHING else you will lose weight. Get smart about your routine and watch the pounds melt away. If you need some help come see me at where the FatMan is melting all the way down to 175 pounds.

God Bless us Fat people,


Day 74 Weight 213 lbs lost 0 lbs (38 to go) Daily Bump and Grind


FatMan here. So what is your daily bump and grind? Taking a few minutes to evaluate your daily routine can go along ways to helping you maximize your daily weight loss potential. For instance what do you eat for breakfast? If you are like most people you eat something similar everyday. A good breakfast choice gets you started on the right path to a productive weight loss day. Fruit is my choice. I eat all different kinds of fruit. Some people say grapefruit is a good fruit to promote weight loss. Here is a medical study that seems to support this although you always need to read any of these reports with a certain amount of healthy skepticism. Grapefruit weight loss article.

I think that aside from a good start another great way to lose weight is to make sure that your system remains “clean and flushed”. If you go on any type of diet and reduce your food intake you run the risk of reduced body eliminations. You know, number 2’s. Logic tells you the more you expel the less inside you the less you will weigh. So my thinking is to stay regular. How do your do this? I just take fiber additives. Find one that works for you or use this one. Guaranteed Low Prices at . I like these guys. They seem to have the best prices. The second part of the clean and flushed program is the cleaning agent. I prefer good old H2O or water. Drink a ton of it all the time and it will do more for you than probably any other single thing to help you lose weight. Here are a few articles on the benefits of drinking water.



I don’t know these people but I generally do agree with their stance on water intake, the more the better. I guess anything can do overdone so don’t try and drink 5 gallons a day (one should do nicely). So there are two great tips for getting the day started right and keeping your system throughput on a high level. Practical strategy and mostly common sense bit also sound enough to follow regularly.

If you want to get clued in on the entire FatMan weight loss system come check it out at

God Bless us Fat People,


Day 73 Weight 213 lbs lost 0 lbs (38 to go) Looking Ahead To A Smaller ME


FatMan here. So I am back home for a good while again (finally). It is a good time for me to recalibrate. To see where I am and what I need to do next to make my 80 pound weight loss happen in 180 days or less. I have 106 days to lose 38 pounds. That is .35 pounds per day or 2.5 pounds per week. Hey that sounds doable to me. A lot more doable than 80 pounds was, or 75 pounds was or even 50 pounds.

In fact, a decided a long time ago that I was going to do this so it will happen. I am convinced. I may not make achieve all of my intermediate goals but the big one I surely will. Do I sound convincing? I have convinced myself, and frankly that is really all that matters. Once you convince yourself mentally that you are going to make something happen you will. You can even stack the odds in your favor by doing some personal “mental programming”. This practically insures your success. My members get the low down on this technique and more. I will succeed and want you to as well. All us fatties really NEED to succeed. It will help us stay alive and prosper. And even ENJOY life MORE. I am really starting to enjoy life.

I want you to know this strange result of my weight loss as well. I no longer dread going on a restricted calorie diet. I actually just see it as part of my new life. And it works for me. I also really enjoy the looks and comments that I get from people I have not seen in a long time. But you know what, I AM NOT DONE! I am still the FATMAN. I am 38 pounds overweight. There is another new me awaiting in a few more months.

And that is the message today. Don’t ever stop looking ahead to the new you. You may have lost a little weight and feel better, but rest assured there is another you just waiting to be uncovered. Under those rolls of fat there is a gem the world needs to get to know.

Let me know if I can help in your transformation.

God Bless us Fat People,


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